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Hour Of Code & Digital Citizenship Week

2017 Hour of Code Information:

All 6th graders will participate in Hour of Code during their World Cultures classes.

Attention 7th and 8th graders. Are you interested in coding? If that’s you, join us for Hour of Code on December 6th. Any 7th or 8th grader who is interested in participating can sign up during your lunch or on the form on the school website. Students will choose one class period to miss on Wednesday 12/6 in order to participate in the Hour of Code. Participating students must be currently passing that class and are responsible for any missed work. This is a great opportunity to give coding a shot in a fun way! See Mrs. Ludden in the library if you have any further questions. 

If you want to try more at home, click on this link for more Hour of Code activities. For more information about why coding/computer science are important, click here.



2017 Digital Citizenship Week

Digital Citizenship is a term used to describe preparing students to use technology responsibly in a society full of technology. Digital Citizenship encompasses both safety and literacy. Digital Citizenship Week is a great time for learning more and refreshing your memory about important digital citizenship skills.  It’s all about staying safe while on the internet and making good choices!

Dress Up Days

Monday – Wear yellow and/or red to show you’re CAUTIOUS and that you will STOP and think before posting online.

Tuesday – Wear your CD Fulkes shirt to show that you know how to protect yourself!

Wednesday – Wear dots for stopping bullying on the spot!

Thursday – Wear a shirt that has a favorite quote or character to show the importance of giving proper credit for others’ work.

Friday – Wear your team shirt to show that you’re getting outside and playing/exercising.